Saturday, December 2, 2017

Eastern Lightning | A Brief Talk About “The Millennial Kingdom Has Arrived”

Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God, Almighty God,
Eastern Lightning | A Brief Talk About “The Millennial Kingdom Has Arrived”

A Brief Talk About “The Millennial Kingdom Has Arrived”

Almighty God says,How do you see the vision of the Millennial Kingdom? Some people think about it a lot, and say that the Millennial Kingdom will last for a thousand years on earth, so if the older members of the church are unmarried, do they have to get married? My family has no money, should I start making money? … What is the Millennial Kingdom? Do you know? People are purblind, and suffer a great ordeal. In fact, the Millennial Kingdom has yet to officially arrive. During the stage of making people perfect, the Millennial Kingdom is merely a microcosm; at the time of the Millennial Kingdom spoken of by God, man will have been made perfect. Previously, it was said that people would be like saints and stand firm in the land of Sinim. Only when people are made perfect—when they become the saints spoken of by God—will the Millennial Kingdom have arrived. When God makes people perfect, He purifies them, and the purer they are the more they are made perfect by God. When the impurity, rebelliousness, opposition, and things of the flesh within you are expelled, when you have been purified, then you will be beloved by God (and in other words, you will be a saint); when you have been made perfect by God and become a saint, you will be in the Millennial Kingdom. Now is the Age of Kingdom. In the Age of Millennial Kingdom people will depend on the words of God to live, and all nations will come under God’s name, and all come to read God’s words. At that time some will call by telephone, some will fax … they will use every means to access God’s words, and you, too, will come under God’s words. All this is what happens after people are made perfect. Today, people are made perfect, refined, enlightened, and guided through words; this is the Age of Kingdom, it is the stage of people being made perfect, and it has no connection to the Age of Millennial Kingdom. During the Age of Millennial Kingdom, people will have already been made perfect and the corrupt disposition within them will have been made pure. At that time, the words spoken by God will guide people step by step, and reveal all of the mysteries of God’s work from the time of creation until today, and His words will tell people of God’s actions in every age and every day, how He guides people inside, the work He does in the spiritual realm, and will tell man of the dynamics of the spiritual realm. Only then will it truly be the Age of Word; now is merely a microcosm. If people are not made perfect and purified, they will have no way of living a thousand years on earth, and their flesh will inevitably decay; if people are purified inside, and they are no longer of Satan and the flesh, then they will remain alive on earth. In this stage you are still purblind, and all that you experience is loving God and bearing Him testimony for every day you live on earth.
“The Millennial Kingdom Has Arrived” is a prophecy, it is analogous to the foretelling of a prophet, one in which God prophesies what will happen in the future. The words that God speaks in the future and the words that He speaks today are not the same: The words of the future will guide the age, whereas the words He speaks today make people perfect, refine them, and deal with them. The Age of Word in the future is different from the Age of Word today. Today, all words spoken by God—regardless of the means by which He does so—are, in sum, in order to make people perfect, to purify that which is dirty within them, and to make them holy, and righteous before God. The words spoken today and the words spoken in the future are two separate things. The words spoken in the Age of Kingdom are to make people enter into all training, to bring people onto the correct track in everything, to expel all that is impure in them. Such is what God does in this age: He creates a foundation of His words in every person, He makes His words the life of every person, and He uses His words to enlighten and guide them inside at every moment, and when they are not mindful of God’s will, God’s words will be inside them to reproach and discipline them. The words of today are to be the life of man, they directly provide all that man needs, all that you lack inside is provided for by God’s words, and all those who accept God’s words are enlightened by eating and drinking His words. The words spoken by God in the future guide the people of the entire universe; today, these words are only spoken in China, and they do not represent those spoken throughout the entire universe. God will only speak to the entire universe when the Millennial Kingdom comes. Know that the words spoken by God today are all to make people perfect; the words spoken by God during this stage are in order to provide for people’s needs, not in order to allow you to know mysteries or see the miracles of God. That He speaks through many means is in order to provide for people’s needs. The Age of Millennial Kingdom has yet to arrive—the Age of Millennial Kingdom that is spoken of is the day of God’s glory. After Jesus’ work in Judea had been completed, God transferred His work to the China mainland and created another plan. He does another part of His work in you, He does the work of making people perfect with words, and uses words to cause people to suffer much pain as well as gain much of God’s grace. This stage of work will create a group of overcomers, and after He has made this group of overcomers, they will be able to testify to His deeds, they will be able to live out reality, and actually satisfy Him and be loyal to Him unto death, and in this way God will be glorified. When God is glorified, when He has made this group of people perfect, will be the Age of Millennial Kingdom.
Jesus was on earth for thirty-three and a half years, He came to do the work of crucifixion, and through the crucifixion God gained one part of glory. When God came in the flesh He was able to be humble and hidden, and could endure tremendous suffering. Although He was God Himself, He still endured every humiliation, and every revilement, and He endured great pain in being nailed to the cross so as to complete the work of redemption. After this stage of work was concluded, although people saw that God had gained great glory, this was not the entirety of His glory; it was only one part of His glory, which He had gained from Jesus. Although Jesus was able to endure every hardship, to be humble and hidden, to be crucified for God, God only gained one part of His glory, and His glory was gained in Israel. God still has another part of glory: coming to earth to actually work and make perfect a group of people. During Jesus’ stage of work, He did some supernatural things, but that stage of work was by no means only in order to perform the signs and wonders. It was primarily to show that Jesus could suffer, and be crucified for God, that Jesus was able to suffer tremendous pain because He loved God, and that although God abandoned Him, He was still willing to sacrifice His life for God’s will. After God had completed His work in Israel and Jesus was nailed to the cross, God was glorified, and God had borne testimony before Satan. You neither know nor have seen how God has become flesh in China, so how can you see that God has been glorified? When God does much work of conquest in you, and you stand firm, then this work of God is successful, and this is part of God’s glory. You see only this, and you have yet to be made perfect by God, have yet to give your heart entirely to God. You have yet to entirely see this glory; you only see that God has already conquered your heart, that you can never leave Him, and will follow God to the very end and your heart will not change. Thus is the glory of God. In what do you see God’s glory? In the effects of His work in people. People see that God is so lovely, they have God in their hearts, and are unwilling to leave Him, and this is God’s glory. When the strength of the brothers and sisters of the churches arises, and they can love God from their hearts, see the supreme might of the work done by God, the incomparable might of His words, when they see that His words carry authority and that He can embark upon His work in the ghost town of the China mainland, when, though people are weak, their hearts bow down before God and they are willing to accept God’s words, and when, although they are weak and unfit, they are able to see that God’s words are so lovable, and so worthy of their cherishment, then this is the glory of God. When the day comes on which people are made perfect by God, and are able to surrender before Him, and can completely obey God, and leave their prospects and fate in the hands of God, then the second part of God’s glory will have been entirely gained. Which is to say, when the work of the practical God has been entirely completed, His work on the China mainland will come to an end; in other words, when those who were predestined and chosen by God have been made perfect, God will be glorified. God said that He has brought the second part of His glory to the East, yet this is invisible to the naked eye. God has brought His work to the East: He has already come to the East, and this is God’s glory. Today, although His work has yet to be completed, because God has decided to work, it shall surely be accomplished. God has decided He shall complete this work in China, and He has resolved to make you perfect. Thus He gives you no way out—He has already conquered your hearts, and you have to go on whether you want to or not, and when you are gained by God, God is glorified. Today, God has yet to be completely glorified, because you have yet to be made perfect, and although your hearts have returned to God, there are still many weaknesses in your flesh, you are incapable of satisfying God, you are unable to be mindful of God’s will, and there are many negative things that must be rid from you.
    Know more: The brief introduction of the Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning

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