Sunday, December 17, 2017

Eastern Lightning | Examples of analyzing and discerning the rumors and lies of the CCP government and the religious world (2)

Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God, Church,
Analysis of the third rumor of the Chinese Communist Party and religious community: The Church of Almighty God was created by man.

(3) Analysis of the third rumor of the Chinese Communist Party and religious community: The Church of Almighty God was created by man.

Relevant Words of God:

Some may wonder, Why must the age be ushered in by God Himself? Cannot a created being stand in His stead? You are all aware that God becomes flesh expressly for the purpose of ushering in a new age, and, of course, when He ushers in a new age, He has concluded the former age at the same time. God is the Beginning and the End; it is He Himself who sets His work in motion and so it must be He Himself who concludes the former age. That is the proof that He defeats Satan and conquers the world. Each time He Himself works among man, it is the beginning of a new battle. Without the beginning of new work, there would naturally be no conclusion of the old. And no conclusion of the old is proof that the battle with Satan has yet to come to a close. Only if God Himself comes and carries out new work among man can man fully break free of the domain of Satan and gain a new life and new beginning. Otherwise, man shall forever live in the old age and forever live under the old influence of Satan. With every age led by God, a part of man is set free, and thus man advances along with the work of God toward the new age. The victory of God is a victory for all those who follow Him. If mankind of creation were charged with concluding the age, then be it from the viewpoint of man or Satan, this is no more than an act that opposes or betrays God, not one of obedience to God, and the work of man would thus give a handle to Satan. Only if man obeys and follows God in an age ushered in by God Himself would Satan be fully convinced, for that is the duty of a created being. And so I say that you need only follow and obey, and no more is asked of you. That is what is meant by each keeping his duty and performing his function. God does His own work and does not need for man to do His work in His stead, nor does He involve Himself in the work of created beings. Man performs his own duty and does not interfere with the work of God, and that is true obedience and proof that Satan is defeated. After God Himself has ushered in the new age, He no longer works among man Himself. It is only then that man officially steps into the new age to perform his duty and carry out his mission as a created being. Such are the working principles that can be transgressed by none. Only working in this way is sensible and reasonable. The work of God is done by God Himself. It is He who sets His work in motion, and also He who concludes it. It is He who plans the work, and also He who manages it, and even more, it is He who brings the work to fruition. It is as stated in the Bible, “I am the Beginning and the End; I am the Sower and the Reaper.” All that is related to the work of His management is done by Himself. He is the Ruler of the six-thousand-year management plan; none can do His work in His stead or bring His work to a close, for it is He who is in control of all. Since He created the world, He will lead the entire world to live in His light, and He will conclude the entire age to bring all of His plan to fruition!
from “The Mystery of the Incarnation (1)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

The Man’s Fellowship:
In order to beguile and deceive the Chinese people, the CCP does it utmost to distort the truth and turn black-and-white on its head, insisting that the church of God is an organization of man, and normal church life as illegal disruptions of social order. This is the consistent rhetoric and means by which the Communist Party resists God and brutally persecutes God’s church. The Church of Almighty God is simply not an organization of man but the church of God.
from The Fellowship From the Above: “The Key to Answers at a Media Interview with Reporters Lies in How to Witness God’s Work.”
In the Age of Grace, the Lord Jesus promised to His followers, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to myself; that where I am, there you may be also” (Jhn 14:3). He also prophesied, “For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even to the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Mat 24:27). In the last days, as promised and foretold by Himself, God has again become flesh and descended to the East of the world—China—to do the work of judgment, chastisement, conquest, and salvation using the word, on the foundation of the redemption work of the Lord Jesus. In this, the prophecies of the Bible that “judgment must begin at the house of God” and “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” have also been fulfilled. God’s work of the last days has ended the Age of Grace and ushered in the Age of Kingdom. As the gospel of the kingdom of Almighty God spread rapidly in Mainland China, the Church of Almighty God came into being. As proven by facts, the Church of Almighty God came into being entirely as a result of God’s work of the last days, and was not established by any man. This is because the chosen people in the Church of Almighty God pray in the name of Almighty God, obey His work, and accept all the truths expressed by Him. Thus it is evident that these chosen people believe in Christ who is incarnated in the last days, the practical God who is the Spirit realized in the flesh, instead of believing in a man. Outwardly, Almighty God is nothing more than an ordinary Son of man, but in substance He is the embodiment of God’s Spirit and is the truth, the way, and the life. His work and word are the direct expression of the Spirit of God and are the appearance of God in person. Therefore, He is the practical God who is incarnated.
from Appendix to Selected Annals of the Work Arrangements of the Church of Almighty God: Almighty God and the Church of Almighty God
The churches of Christianity came to be because of the appearance and work of the Lord Jesus become flesh, and the Church of Almighty God came to be because of the appearance and work of the incarnate Almighty God of the last days. Thus, churches throughout the ages have been produced because of the appearance and work of God become flesh. The work of each step of God’s incarnation expresses many truths, and many people come to accept and follow God because of these truths expressed by God, thus giving rise to the churches. From this it can be seen that the churches are formed from those who accept the work of God and follow God. These gatherings of God’s chosen ones are called churches. The churches of Christianity were produced by the appearance and work of the incarnate Lord Jesus two thousand years ago. The Lord Jesus preached, “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Mat 4:17), and He did the work of redemption, and expressed the truths that the people of the Age of Grace should put into practice and enter into, many people then began to believe in and follow the Lord, and thus the churches of that time came into being. Afterward, the gospel of the Lord Jesus spread to every country and territory, until the last days when it had spread to the ends of the earth, and Christian churches thus emerged in every country. These were the churches of the Age of Grace. During the final stages of the last days, the incarnate Almighty God appears and works in mainland China. Upon the foundation of the work of redemption of the Lord Jesus during the Age of Grace, Almighty God carries out the work of “judgment must begin at the house of God” (1Pe 4:17) prophesied in the Bible. To all mankind, Almighty God reveals all the mysteries of God’s six-thousand-year management plan, and expresses all truths for the purification and salvation of mankind. Because of the appearance and work of Almighty God of the last days, many people from every sect and denomination of the religious world, people who have believed in the Lord for many years, have finally heard the voice of God and seen that the Lord Jesus has come and has carried out the work of judgment of the last days. They have verified that Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus, and because of this they have accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days. In mainland China, at least several million people (tens of millions according to statistics from the Chinese Communist Government) have accepted and now follow Almighty God. Thus, the Church of Almighty God is entirely the result of the appearance and work of Almighty God. It was personally established by Almighty God, and not by any person. Every Christian in the Church of Almighty God fully recognizes that Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus, Christ of the last days, and the appearance of God. The Christians of the Church of Almighty God pray to the name of Almighty God. What they read, listen to, and fellowship are the words of Almighty God, and what they hold to are all the truths expressed by Almighty God. These truths are the way of everlasting life brought by God during the last days. In His work, the incarnate God of the last days also personally appointed and testified to the man used by God, that he might cooperate in the work of God—just as when the Lord Jesus worked, He personally chose and appointed the twelve apostles. These people who are used by God, however, merely cooperate in God’s work, and they are incapable of working in God’s stead. The churches were not established by them, and the one whom God’s chosen ones believe in and follow is not those who are used by God. The churches of the Age of Grace were not set up by Paul and the other apostles, but produced by the work of the Lord Jesus; they were personally established by the Lord Jesus. Likewise, the Church of Almighty God of the last days was also not set up by the man used by God, but was born from the work of Almighty God. It was personally established by Almighty God, and is shepherded by Himself; the man used by God merely waters, provides for, and guides the churches, performing his duty. Although God’s chosen ones are led, watered, and provided for by the man used by God, the One whom God’s chosen ones believe in and follow is Almighty God—which is a fact that no one can deny.…
The Christians of the Church of Almighty God accept and follow Almighty God as they see the expression of Almighty God is all the truth. They recognize that Almighty God is the second coming of the Lord Jesus. Yet the CCP government does not recognize the existence of God. It refers to religious organizations and churches as human organizations. Religious groups are designated as mundane organizations by unbelievers and an atheist government. This is unsubstantiated internationally. As we all know, religious beliefs are commonly recognized by the international community. All democratic countries recognize religious beliefs, recognize freedom of belief and respect religious groups. International conventions also recognize the freedom of religious belief. Why doesn’t the CCP? Because the CCP is an atheist political party that does not recognize the existence and incarnation of God, let alone respect freedom of belief. Since the CCP took power, it has steadfastly persecuted freedom of belief, designating religious groups as human organizations for restriction, persecution and suppression. But the Church of Almighty God’s millions or even tens of millions of Christians all recognize that the word expressed by Almighty God is the truth and the voice of God. No one can deny that Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus, the appearance of God in the last days. Just as when the Lord Jesus was doing His work, the Roman government and Judaism did not recognize it. But two thousand years later, the gospel of the Lord Jesus has spread throughout the world. All countries in the world have recognized that Christianity is a pure faith. What is reason for this? It is because the truth is the truth, and God’s word is the truth.
from The Fellowship From the Above
(4) Analysis of the fourth rumor of the Chinese Communist Party and religious community: The man used by the Holy Spirit fled overseas with huge sums of money.

Relevant Words of God:
3. The money, material objects, and all property in God’s household are the offerings that should be given by man. These offerings may be enjoyed by none but the priest and God, for the offerings of man are for the enjoyment of God, God only shares these offerings with the priest, and no one else is qualified or entitled to enjoy any part of them. All of man’s offerings (including money and things that can be enjoyed materially) are given to God, not to man. And so, these things should not be enjoyed by man; if man were to enjoy them, then he would be stealing offerings. Anyone who does this is a Judas, for, in addition to being a traitor, Judas also helped himself to what was put in the money bag.
from “The Ten Administrative Decrees That Must Be Obeyed by God’s Chosen People in the Age of Kingdom” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

The Man’s Fellowship:
How can we solve the problem of man always having conceptions about God? This can be solved through pursuit of the truth. For example, some people claim I have embezzled the churches funds, that I stole it and ran away, but does that sound correct to you? I would not steal the churches money and run. Offerings to God are for me to manage and to allocate; how can you call this taking it and running away? That is not what it is. It is my responsibility to allocate this money and I have the authority to do so. So, such a claim is wrong. Some say I have escaped from China and run abroad. This is not so. I carried out my work in mainland China for over ten years. In my wildest dreams, I never imagined that God would send me abroad. I thought that as long as God was doing His work in China, I would carry out my duty in China. I never thought of leaving. But this is where God led me; it was His instruction. At the time I had reservations, “I am on a wanted list. If You make me leave the country, then at customs won’t I be trapped? Isn’t this asking for trouble? If anything goes wrong, then surely I will be caught!” But I didn’t say these things. I said to myself, “Obey. Leave!” As a result, at customs, despite the danger, I was not caught. Would you call this running away? This was the Holy Spirit’s guidance, it was God’s instruction. So, once again the rumors spread by the Chinese Communist Party are wrong. They say I was being hunted down so I ran. This does not adhere to the truth. I never considered going abroad. It was God’s instruction to do so. He sent me. I took the risk and obeyed, albeit reluctantly, and so He led me through customs safely. At the time, what did I think about this? “If I make it through customs, then it is because God leads me through. If I do not make it through, then God has handed me over to Satan.” I accepted this. I obeyed!
from Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life (Series 138)
For instance, the great red dragon said I embezzled money and fled to America. How do you explain it? Someone says, “That’s right. He is in America indeed.” Was that the same as fleeing to America? It was being led by God to America. It was God who dispatched me from China to America to do the work under His command. If it wasn’t for God’s guidance, could man escape? I am one of the most wanted fugitives of the country by the Communist Party in the mainland. How would I dare to come out? At that time, I thought, “If I came out, wouldn’t I be captured?” So it was not initiated by me. I was dispatched by God. It was God who told me that I had to leave. When I heard it, I thought, “Oh, this is God’s word. Every time when God’s work approached a turning point, God always said something in advance that would come true later. Going abroad was said by God. It was not a joke. It was an arrangement by God!” This was how I began to handle it. As soon as it was handled, I was able to leave. It was all led by God. It was hopeless in people’s eyes. Now you say whether it was that I escaped to America or that God led me and arranged for me to come to America? You all agree it was arranged by God. In addition, the great red dragon said I embezzled money and fled. That was not embezzled money. That was money put in my custody by God, money I am in charge of and empowered to maneuver and control. Is that embezzlement? Do you think it was like some corrupt officials fleeing with embezzled money? They fled with the money embezzled from the country and people. That is called fleeing with embezzled money. Did I flee with embezzled money? On the surface, it is also true. First, I came to America. Second, I am in charge of part of the money. But after words came out of the great red dragon’s mouth, troubles began. Things turned negative. After my explanation to you, everything is positive. Therefore, on the surface, a lot of things seem to coincide with the facts. But the great red dragon’s way of saying is the distortion of facts by turning right into wrong. Do you get it now?
from Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life (Series 141)
(5) Analysis of the fifth rumor of the Chinese Communist Party and religious community: The Church of Almighty God destroys families and makes people abandon everything to follow God.

Bible Verses for Reference:
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple (Luk 14:26).
And he that takes not his cross, and follows after me, is not worthy of me (Mat 10:38).
Truly I say to you, There is no man that has left house, or parents, or brothers, or wife, or children, for the kingdom of God's sake, Who shall not receive manifold more in this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting (Luk 18:29-30).
No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God (Luk 9:62).

The Man’s Fellowship:
The Chinese Communist Party says: “The Church of Almighty God will ask people to leave behind everything in order to follow God.” I ask, in Christianity, had the Lord Jesus not demanded such things from men? Have not the saints through the ages been doing so? These witnessing have all been performed long ago, why do you not condemn those people? Why do you condemn the Church of Almighty God? Had the Lord Jesus not said such words? Have not the saints through the ages turned their backs on marriage, their family, the world, in the name of God, to follow God, to preach the Lord Jesus, and to bear witness for the Lord Jesus? Have they not? There have been too many of them. Which law from which country has condemned this as a crime? Has this been condemned as a crime? The Chinese Communist Party said, “The Church of Almighty God breaks up families.” Is this fair? Is this the reality? To follow God, to pursue the truth, to give yourself for righteousness, people willingly decide to do such things. Has the family of God forced anyone? Isn’t this the work of the Lord Jesus during the Age of Grace? What did the Lord Jesus say? “Whoever he be of you that forsakes not all that he has, he cannot be my disciple” (Luk 14:33). The Lord Jesus called on the twelve disciples Himself, and said, “Come you after me” (Mak 1:17). He also said, “Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mak 16:15). Are you saying that the Lord Jesus had been wrong in saying so? This is recorded in the Bible. All of the religious communities, and all the saints through the ages have acted in such a way, why do you not dare to condemn them? Why do you come here and vilify the Church of Almighty God by saying that it breaks up families? Is this not a pack of lies told by Satan? You are following God, yet you are unable to see through this. You know not how to tell the difference between true and false, to tell black from white.
from Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life (Series 130)
The great red dragon is now spreading rumors everywhere against God’s chosen people, particularly those who have given up their families to perform their duties, to attack, judge, and defame the Church of Almighty God. They say: “It is the Church of Almighty God that destroys people’s families, fracturing and banning people’s families.” Isn’t it spreading rumors and attacks? What kind of a family do you say a dark and evil mankind belongs to? Is that a positive thing? That family is not a positive thing. What is wrong with someone having left the family of Satan when he really believes in God? This is perfectly justified! “I cast aside everything to expend for God and carry out God’s will. Why shouldn’t I do that? I abandoned the family that kept me from believing in God and prevented me from pursuing the truth. What was wrong with that? The path that a believer follows is distinctly different from that of a non-believer. I want to pursue the truth and follow God. When you disagree with me, I divorce you. Is there anything wrong?” Such a divorce is more meaningful than those who divorce because of fornication and propensity for novelty! Their divorce is called destroying the family! We abandon everything and leave behind the family that is subject to Satan’s influence to follow God and pursue the truth. This is called discarding darkness for the light. This is a just act that is consistent with God’s will. It is a positive thing. Isn’t it better than following Satan to demise?
from “Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word ‘God Himself, the Unique II’ IX” in Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life (XII)
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