Showing posts with label Zhaoyuan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zhaoyuan. Show all posts

Monday, January 22, 2018

Expert Urges European Countries to Show Solicitude for the Persecution of The Church of Almighty God Eastern Light—Christian Videos

Expert Urges European Countries to Show Solicitude for the Persecution of The Church of Almighty God Eastern Light—Christian Videos

    On December 14, 2017, a news conference was held in the Chamber of Deputies, the Parliament of Italy in Rome, over the issue of Religious Freedom Violations in China—a Case Study of Persecution Against Christian Minorities. An internationally renowned research expert on new religions, Professor Massimo Introvigne, spoke at the conference and introduced his findings on The Church of Almighty God, confirming that the Zhaoyuan McDonald's homicide case of 2014 in Shandong Province had nothing to do with The Church of Almighty God, that the CCP's coverage of the case was false news fabricated by the CCP to persecute and suppress The Church of Almighty God.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Eastern Lightning | #2 The CCP Is the Plotter of Fake News of McDonald's Murder in Zhaoyuan - Massimo Introvigne

Eastern Lightning | #2 The CCP Is the Plotter of Fake News of McDonald's Murder in Zhaoyuan - Massimo Introvigne

    On November 20, 21, 2017, just in two days, seventeen reports attacking The Church of Almighty God (CAG) were published intensively on Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) mouthpieces media in Hong Kong (HK), citing the rumors and fallacies consistently fabricated by CCP to discredit and condemn CAG. Again, May 28 McDonald’s Murder in Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province, in 2014 was used as a tool to attack and slander CAG. Prof.

Monday, December 4, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | "The Truth Exposed Behind the May 28 Zhaoyuan Case" | Eastern Lightning

The Church of Almighty God | "The Truth Exposed Behind the May 28 Zhaoyuan Case" | Eastern Lightning

    In 2014, the CCP arbitrarily fabricated the notorious 5/28 Zhaoyuan Incident in Shandong Province to create the basis of public opinion for total suppression of house churches, and propagated falsehood globally to condemn and defame the Church of Almighty God. As a result, some unwitting parties who did not know the truth were deceived by the CCP's propaganda.