Showing posts with label Avoid Disaster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Avoid Disaster. Show all posts

Monday, March 19, 2018

Eastern Lightning | The Only Way to Avoid Disaster

Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God, gospel,
 the Church of Almighty God picture

October 29, 2017
Chaotuo Xiaogan City, Hubei Province

    Ever since the Sichuan earthquake, I have always been fearful and worried that I might someday be struck by disaster. Particularly as I’ve seen disasters escalating, and earthquakes becoming more frequent, my fear of impending doom has become even more pronounced. As a result, I spend whole days pondering what precautions I should take to protect myself should an earthquake hit.

    One day, at lunch, the sister of my host family turned on the TV as usual, and the newscaster just happened to be talking about earthquake safety measures. In the event of an earthquake, you should quickly run outdoors into an open space to avoid being injured by a falling building. If you cannot evacuate in time, you should hide under a bed, table or in a corner…. After hearing this, I felt as though I found a life-saving solution, and quickly committed these precautionary measures to memory, so I could save my own life in case an earthquake hit.