Sunday, March 11, 2018

Eastern Lightning | The Path … (1)

Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God, the way,
The Path … (1)

Almighty God says, In their lifetime, no person knows what kind of setbacks they’re going to encounter, nor do they know what kind of refinement they will be subject to. For some it’s in their work, for some it’s in their future prospects, for some it’s in their family of origin, and for some it’s in their marriage. But what’s different from them is that today we, this group of people, are suffering for the word of God. That is, as someone who serves God, we have suffered setbacks on the path of believing in Him, and this is the path that all believers take and it is the road underneath all of our feet. It is from this point that we officially begin our course of believing in God, raise the curtain on our lives as human beings, and enter onto the right path of life. That is, it is when we enter onto the right path of God living alongside man, which normal people take. As someone who stands in front of God and serves Him, that is, someone who wears the robes of a priest in the temple, who has divine dignity and the authority and majesty of God, I make the following declaration to all people. To put it more clearly: The glorious countenance of God is My glory, His management plan is My core. I do not seek to gain a hundredfold in the world to come, but only to carry out God’s will in this world so that He may enjoy one small fraction of His glory on the earth due to the meager efforts I put forth in the flesh. This is My only desire. In My opinion, this is My only spiritual sustenance; I believe that these should be the final words of someone who lives in the flesh and who is full of emotion. This is the path underneath My feet today. I believe that this outlook of Mine is My final words in the flesh, and I hope that people do not have other notions or thoughts of Me. Although I have given it My all, I have still been unable to satisfy the will of God in heaven. I am immeasurably sad—why is this the essence of the flesh? So, because of the things I have done in the past as well as the work of conquering God has carried out on Me, only now have I gained a deeper understanding of the essence of mankind. Only since then have I set the most basic standard for Myself: to only seek to carry out God’s will, to give it My all, and to have nothing weighing on My conscience. I pay no mind to what requirements others who serve God have for themselves. In short, I have set My heart on carrying out His will. This is My confession as one of His creation who serves before Him—someone who has been saved and beloved by God, and who has suffered His blows. This is the confession of someone who has been watched over, protected, loved, and greatly used by God. From now on, I will continue down this path until I have completed the important task entrusted to Me by God. But in My opinion, the end of the road is imminent because His work has been completed, and as of today people have done all that they are able to do.
Ever since mainland China entered into this stream of recovery, its local churches gradually developed, centered around the work of the Holy Spirit. God has worked unceasingly in these local churches because they have become the core of God in the fallen imperial family. Because God has established local churches in such a family, without a doubt He is overwhelmed with happiness—it is a joy that defies description. After establishing local churches in mainland China and spreading this good news to brothers and sisters in other local churches across the world, God was very excited—this was the first step of work that He wanted to do in mainland China. It could be said that this was the first act, that God has been able to begin the first step of His work in a place that is like a city of demons that is unassailable by any thing, by any man—is that not God’s great power? It’s clear that for the recovery of this work, countless brothers and sisters have been martyred, dying under the devils’ butcher knife. Mentioning this now brings great grief, but for the most part, the days of suffering have passed. Now I can work for God, and I have been able to make it to where I am today entirely because of God’s power. I have great admiration for those who God chose for martyrdom—they were able to carry out God’s will and sacrifice themselves for God. To speak frankly, if it weren’t for God’s grace and mercy, I would have collapsed in the mire long ago. Thanks be to God! I am willing to give all the glory to God, to allow Him to be at rest. Some people ask Me: “Because of Your position You shouldn’t die, so why is it that You’re happy when God mentions death?” I don’t give a direct answer; I just give a little smile and respond: “This is the path that I must pursue, that I absolutely must follow.” People don’t understand My response, but just give Me a surprised look. They’re a bit puzzled by Me. However, I believe that since this is the path that I have chosen and it is also the determination I have set in front of God, then no matter how great the difficulties are, I just work hard to continue down it. I think that this is a promise that should be upheld by someone who serves God. They cannot go back on their word one bit. This is also a rule, a regulation that was put forth long ago, in the Age of Law, that someone who believes in God should understand. In My experience, My knowledge of God is not great and My practical experience is negligible, not even worth mentioning, so I can’t speak to any lofty opinions. However, God’s words must be upheld, and cannot be rebelled against. To tell the truth, My own practical experience is not great, but because God bears witness to Me and people always have blind faith in Me, what can I do? I can only consider Myself unlucky. However, I still hope that people rectify their viewpoints on loving God. Personally, I’m nothing, because I am also pursuing the way of faith in God, and the path that I am walking is no more than the path of belief in God. Someone who is good should not be an object of worship—they can only act as an exemplar to follow. I don’t care what others do, but I declare to people that I also give the glory to God; I do not give the glory of the Spirit to the flesh. I hope that everyone can understand My feeling on this. It’s not shirking My responsibility, but it’s just the whole story. This is something that should be utterly clear, and going forward it won’t need to be mentioned again.
Today, I received enlightenment from God. God’s work on the earth is the work of salvation; it’s unrelated to anything else. Some people may think otherwise, but I always feel that the Holy Spirit is just doing a stage of work of salvation, and no other work. This should be clear. It’s not until now that the work the Holy Spirit has been doing in mainland China has become clear—why would God want to open up all paths and work in this place where demons are running rampant everywhere? It can be seen from this that the work God is doing is mainly the work of salvation. To be more precise, it’s mainly the work of conquering. From the start the name of Jesus was called out. (Maybe some have not experienced it, but I say that this was a step of the work of the Holy Spirit.) This was in order to depart from the Jesus of the Age of Grace, so a portion of the people were selected in advance, and then later that selection was narrowed. After that, the name of Witness Lee was called out in mainland China—this was the Holy Spirit’s second part of the recovery work in mainland China. This was the first step of work in which the Holy Spirit began to select people, which was to first round people up, wait for the shepherd to tend to them, and the name “Witness Lee” was used to perform that service. God personally did His work upon the witnessing of the name “the Powerful” and before that, it was in a preparatory stage. So, it doesn’t matter if that was right or wrong, and it is not the main issue within God’s plan. After the witnessing of the name “the Powerful,” God officially began to personally do His own work and after that, His deeds as God in the flesh officially began. Through the name “the Powerful Lord,” He took control of all those who were rebellious and disobedient, and they began to take on the likeness of human beings, just like when someone enters their twenty-third or twenty-fourth year, they start to seem like an actual adult. That is, people had just begun to have a life of a normal human being, and through the step of service-doers, God’s work naturally transitioned to the phase of performing divine work. It could be said that only this stage of work is the core of so much of His work and that it is the primary step in His work. People know themselves and hate themselves. They have reached a point where they are able to curse themselves, they are happy to give up their own lives and they have a faint sense of God’s loveliness. It is on this foundation that they understand the true meaning of life. This is achieving God’s will. God’s work in mainland China is drawing to a close. God has been carrying out His preparations in this land of filth for several years, but people had never achieved the point they have reached now. This means that only now has God formally begun His own work. There’s no need to go into detail about this; this need not be explained by humans. This stage of work is without a doubt done directly through God’s divinity, but it is carried out through man. No one can deny this. It certainly is due to God’s great power on earth that His work could reach the extent that it currently has in the people of this land of licentiousness. The fruit of this work could be taken anywhere to convince people. No one would dare to lightly pass judgment on this and deny it.
From:The Word Appears in the Flesh
"The Bible says:""For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.“ Almighty God, Christ of Last Days, has expressed much truth of saving man and perfecting man. Many people from different denominations who long for the truth and truly believe in God have confirmed Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus after seeking and investigating Almighty God's word. More and more people have returned before the throne of Almighty God, enjoying God's word and the supply of the ever-flowing living water, they feel sweet in heart. Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God is comprised of these people who truly believe in God. The gospel of the last days of Almighty God has been spread to each nation. Hope all the brothers and sisters who truly believe in God can seek the truth way soon, return to God's house and gain God's salvation in the last days."

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